Gemini Community Networks

Providing communities the framework to align resources and bring internet access to everyone.

A Cooperative Framework

Community led networks improve digital equity.

When communities have the ability to participate in a network that is designed to meet specific needs, the advantages are clear. Local entities are in the best position to understand community needs and communicate the requirements to the Gemini Network Design Team. By understanding where coverage is needed and how it will be used, Gemini can optimize the investment for maximum coverage and utility.

Local Alignment

A framework for communities to organize and leverage resources.

The Gemini framework helps communities align investments and resources for greater community network access – especially in areas where internet access has been unavailable or out of reach for some members of the community.

Gemini Spotlight

Andy Gonzalez, Yakima School District Technology Director

Early adopter and inspirational Gemini pilot program leader, Andy Gonzalez is recognized for his vision and leadership in bringing a district connection for internet access to students at home. Andy has been committed to solving digital equity issues in his community for many years, and we are grateful to have him as a founding Gemini community leader.

School Bus Wi-Fi

Helping close the homework gap with wireless enabled school buses.

Gemini School Bus Wi-Fi is bringing connectivity to students while riding to and from school on the bus. Students gain access to homework resources and make good use of their commute time. School Bus Wi-Fi can bring mobile access to community sites on an as needed basis.

The Gemini Community

Gemini Network Member

Organizational sponsor and liaison such as city, school district, library district, healthcare organization.

Gemini Network Partner

Local businesses and organizations contributing bandwidth or space to do homework on the Gemini Network.

Gemini Funding Source

Government funding sources that include dediated allocations for network infrastructure.

Explore Gemini community options.

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